Friday, March 26, 2010

Golf Cartoons in Your Newsletter Will Help Win Subscribers

Golf is the perfect venue for humor. Why? One reason, the USGA estimates that 85-percent of golfers don't play by the rules (some knowingly, many unwittingly).
Another reason is that golf is a hard game to master; one day a player will slice the ball and land in all of the hazards possible and then the next day the player might just play bad. Golf is to be celebrated and cursed in the same breath.

Using a humorous, appropriate cartoon in every issue of your newsletter is a great way to ensure that it will be opened and read. Using cartoons and funny cartoon pictures is a clever way to attract more business. As we all know, people love humor and enjoy a laugh. It is proven that sex sells, but just as well cartoons and humor will get you more clients and make you money. Having a cartoon character or cartoon people is a clever point.

Humor is a perfect way to attract your customers' attention. A cartoon can be a theme in your newsletter. A cartoon can be the first thing your subscriber sees when inquiring about your newsletter or it's on your web site. Originality is a key to attracting and keeping subscribers and growing a business. Cartoons can be a major factor in your marketing and promotional material.

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